Friday, December 5, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place

The World Would Be a Better Place If...competition

Help Restore Purified Drinking Water: designed by Wayne J. ©2014

      The world would be a far better place to live in if the world had more purified drinking water. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gasses from contaminated water. In response to this and to give the word out, I created an advertisement on Photoshop to represent the catastrophic events of the world without purified water and what we can do to help. Before creating the Photoshop document, I drew a picture that represented the world losing its water from the oceans and pouring into an enormous cup. 

      What the picture is supposed to get across is that the Earth's water is slowly on a decline and is rapidly losing the water overall or the water is being contaminated by other chemicals. In the Photoshop document, I presented pictures of dirty water in known communities in the world, then provided the steps to clean and purify water, and at the end provided a picture of purified drinking water in that same community. I had also used a picture of the distribution process of purified drinking water bottles in a factory to get the point across that these very water bottles can evidently save the lives of millions of people who need them, who need purified drinking water. Water is one of the many main keys of survival, without it being clean and drinkable, the world just cannot be a better place. For additional information and tips on how to create a proper and adjustable template for your thoughts and goals for the community go to: